By sowing Premium Shade you can have a beautiful, lush, dark green lawn...even in the shade! Premium Shade Mix includes only varieties that have "excellent" to "very good" ratings in NTEP* trials for disease ratings, genetic color, density and over-all turf quality.
Premium Shade is an excellent blend for new lawns.
- 20% Proprietary Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Proprietary Chewings Fescue
- 20% Proprietary Hard Fescue
- 20% Proprietary Perennial Ryegrass
- 20% Proprietary Kentucky Bluegrass
- Excellent performance and turf quality
- Dark green color with fine leaf blades
- Best shade tolerance on the market
- Excellent disease resistance
- Sunlight needed: Dense Shade to Moderate Sun
- Soil Types: Clay to Sand
- Maintenance: Medium
- Fertility: Medium
- Traffic: Good
Seeding rate-
- New lawn: 5-6 lbs per 1000 sqft
- Over seeding: 2-3 lbs per 1000 sqft
- 176-260 lbs per acre
More things to know-
- Maximum planting depth: 1/4"-3/8"
- Seeding time: Feb-May & Aug-Oct 10th
- Approx germination time: 7-28 days
*We recommend using 4 lbs/1000 sqft of Endure Starter Fertilizer with Execu-Turf® Mixes and Blends.*