Botanical Interests Mesclun Chef's Choice LRG

Botanical Interests

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Chef's Choice Mesclun Lettuce Seeds


This beautiful, texture-filled salad blend is easy to grow, and scrumptious to eat! Good container mix. Varieties include: LETTUCES: 'Tango' 10%, 'Royal Oak Leaf' 10%, 'Red Salad Bowl' 25%, 'Red Sails' 5%, 'Black Seeded Simpson' 10%, 'Grand Rapids TBR' 10%. OTHER GREENS: arugula 20%, green endive 5%, mizuna mustard 5%.

Botanical Name: Assorted species


Days to Maturity: 21–45 days


Family: LETTUCES and ENDIVE: Asteraceae; ARUGULA and MUSTARD: Brassicaceae


Native: LETTUCE, MUSTARD, and ENDIVE: Unknown. ARUGULA: Africa and Asia


Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annuals


Plant Dimensions: Leaves are harvested at 4"–6" tall for mesclun.


Variety Information: LEAF LETTUCES: 'TANGO': Deep green, serrated leaves, mildly tangy. 'ROYAL OAK LEAF': Medium green, deeply lobed, oak leaf shaped leaves, mild flavor. 'RED SALAD BOWL': Deeply lobed, green and bronze/red leaves. 'RED SAILS': Dark red, crinkled leaves with frilly edges, an All-America Selections winner. 'BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON': Crinkled, light green, crisp leaves with frilly edges. 'GRAND RAPIDS TBR': Medium green, curled leaves with frilled edges. OTHER GREENS: ARUGULA (rocket salad): Soft, medium green deeply lobed leaves, rich and peppery with a hint of nut. GREEN ENDIVE: Finely-cut leaves with mild overall flavor ending in a slight tang. MIZUNA MUSTARD: Thin, serrated, light green leaves, slightly peppery, mildly spicy.


Attributes: Good for Containers